WOW! Girl's camp was a hoot! It was also a tremendous amount of work!
Ahhh, to have the days back in Mesa where we camped in cabins, had bunks, had a cafeteria and nice wonderful warm showers. Alas, it wasn't meant to be...
O.K., so it wasn't all that bad but let's take inventory:
1. Camp leaders consisted of myself and my 1st counselor
2. We had the largest camp out of all the wards in the stake
3. We camped in tents with port-a-potties for the bathrooms and Lake Pend Oreille for a shower/bathtub.
4. We cooked all our own meals with the exception of one meal a day which was usually lunch.
5. We had the best YCL's in the church!
6. We learned that even girls like to play with fire.
7. We learned that the Lord can be present anywhere we allow him to be.
It was a lot of fun. I was so impressed with my Laurels. They stepped up, took charge, loved and served with wisdom, kindness, charity and hope. I might add that they continue to do so even though camp is over. They have taken upon themselves to personally seek out those who are less active and struggling and showering them with love and their testimony. They are amazing! These six young women truly understand they are daughters of God.