It's been somewhat of a struggle for Dust. His mission president entered the mission around the same time Dustin did. President Viera doesn't speak any English. Dustin's first companion is also an Elder from Brazil who doesn't speak any English. Needless to say, the first week or so of communication was somewhat difficult and as Dustin says, "made his head hurt".
He informs me that he is now thinking in Portuguese and has trouble writing us emails in English. To me, that is perfect!
He has had an opportunity to baptize and last Sunday he confirmed a member. He said it was awesome.
Anyway, if anyone would like to write to him, his address is as follows:
Elder Dustin Shawn Northrup
Brazil Ribeirao Preto Mission
Rua Cerqueira Cesa, 481, Sala 606
Ribeirao, Preto-SP
He would love to hear from you!