Freedom and Power are better than momentary pleasure!

O.K. so what does that mean? Take a minute to think about how profound the statement is!

Have you ever been caught in the trap of buying something because everyone else has it? Our youth are extremely vulnerable to this mentality. “Mom, I need to have this, that or the other thing!” I need a Wii, a car, a new iPod. Where did they learn this behavior?

I came across a quote from Will Smith that sums it all up beautifully!

Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like!

Freedom and power come from being in control of your actions. I chose spending to illustrate my point but this also applies to other areas as well. Just think of mankind’s sexual drive. Hmmm, freedom and power are better than momentary pleasure. Think about peer pressure. The list goes on and on.

The next time you feel that you absolutely have to have, do or experience something ask yourself if you really need to or is it just a momentary pleasure.